Bible Distribution, Mercy Ministry

Karamoja Mission of Mercy – Part I

Update 1: After a one day delay, the teams’ first stop this morning was giving out Bibles in the Karamojong language. We can’t imagine, something that costs $8 is completely unattainable for most. These gentlemen are some of the few pastors in the area. PASTORS that have to share the few Bibles they possess. We will learn later about the impact of this gift.

Glory to God- “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”  Isaiah 55:11 ESV

We had not planned necessarily to give out Bibles this time. As you know, the focus was on life saving food. But God, moved someone during our recent Night of Testimonies in Rome, GA to give $$ to purchase 100 Bibles. We were there sharing about our summer mission trip to Uganda. We didn’t ask for anything. But because of this unexpected gift, our AEM directors decided to buy 50 Bibles in the Karamajong language…and the Word is being sent. Just. Like. That