Mercy Ministry

Karamoja Mission of Mercy Testimony

The AEM Ministry Team is back home in Soroti. Our hearts are overwhelmed and in continuous praise for what the Lord has done through the recent trip to love on the starving Karamajong people in the villages of Nabilatuk. We are writing the stories to share. Jabeth wrote about the 2 little ones he is feeding in the first image:

โ€œThis was the second village in Karamoja in Nabilatuk where we took the food supplies. It was so touching that this little kid was given the responsibility of taking care of the little sister while their mom went to the bush to burn charcoal to sale so that they can get something to eat. As the ladies in village were too busy lining up to receive food supplies. These little toddlers also came wanting to join the line but most of the ladies ignored them since there mom was not around. I got concerned and I called one of the ladies and started asking her about the kids. And she openly told me that the kids had not eaten anything all morning. But they were also able to take back home some food supplies in the absence of their mom! Akote Edeke Miniseries (AEM-LOVE) has done something so great to take the food supplies to Karamoja. As small as we are, we have done better than some of the big organizations! And we give God the glory for that. With the gift of the donation of food supplies we were able to put a smile on a smile ๐Ÿ˜€Amen.โ€