Bible Distribution, DBS, Get Involved, Summer Internship

Fred in the Village: Day 17 & 18

Day 17: New Friend

I spent today (Sunday) getting to know Gianni (the young girl Jabeth is fostering). We woke up early this morning and went to church @7:30 and it lasted till 10:40. Gianni went with us to church and all along in the car on the way there and in the car to lunch she said nothing. Even when we were eating she was as quiet as possible.

It wasn’t until we went to Jabeth’s weekly savings meeting that we actually started talking. She started to open up to me, and we learned that we had many of the same interests. For example, she wants to be a lawyer, her favorite song is Congratulations, and you’ll never guess…her favorite food is Rolex. So after the three hour meeting we ate Rolex for dinner. My verse for today is 1 Samuel 17:37 and my prayer is that my new friend Gianni stays to be the nice, loving, and happy kid that she is now; and she doesn’t let the challenges in her up bringing effect her later in life.

Day 18: Back at it

Today was another great day. I want to thank everyone who’s praying for me. I slept great last night, and woke up happy and ready to get back at it. Gianni headed to school early this morning, so I said goodbye to her as she was heading out. Then Jabeth gave me the run down for the day, it went like this:

So I did the first two things (light weight). Then we headed to get breakfast…Rolex! Next we headed to the office. At this time we were still on schedule. When we got to the office and Daniel A. and Daniel O. were working hard. After five minutes of us being there David comes in and after five minutes of discussing the plan we all got to work. Our goal for today was to keep count of the supplies the AEM American team brought and the quantity. (A side note…I want to thank everyone who gave to the Bibles, because of your giving we have 305 English bibles).

Two of us were counting, someone else was writing it all down. While we were taking inventory, Daniel and Jabeth were discussing the grocery list and how much it will cost. Then we had a team meeting that was very productive. We talked about the plan for the week, the stuff we will be handing out, the Bible verses we will be reading each morning, and even down to the villages we will be visiting. Once the meeting was over we quickly learned that we were behind schedule and we had DBS @3:30pm so we ran and got our groceries and headed to pack up.

We drove to the village where we made it right on time for DBS. Daniel O. decided we should move DBS to the new AEM pavilion and it was good that he did, because 5 minutes into the DBS it started pouring rain. It was fine because we were covered. During DBS, Daniel O. read from Luke 24:37-54 when Jesus ascended into heaven. Even though we had a small group of 10 people today, we got in depth about the Word. Once DBS was over we handed out dresses, shirts, a pair of reading glasses, and a Bible to some of the people there. With the day’s work complete we had fun laughing, racing each other, and singing (Encanto: Disney movie – I found it funny that Praise knew the movie and the songs). All in all another great and productive day. My verse for today is Psalms 143:1 and my prayer is that God uses us to have a big impact on the people around us. ~ Fred

Lord, hear my prayer,
    listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness
    come to my relief.
Psalms 143:1