Bible Distribution, Education, Get Involved, Harvesting Hope, Summer Internship

Fred in the Village: Day 21

Day 21: The Sword

Today was a busy day. We woke up with the amazing news from the US that Julius had a sponsor for school. So we ate breakfast as quick as possible and went to tell him. In Ugandan culture you can just grab a kid from school no matter who you are, as long as the kid knows you. Also a student can go in and out of class freely. So we get to Julius’ school and he was already outside so we called him over and took him to his home. After talking with his Aunt (his guardian) she told us her one major need is Julius’ school fees. So once we told her that Julius was sponsored she was so grateful. Julius on the other hand is a very shy kid. He was trying to hold in his joy, but he couldn’t; he was smiling so big by the time we left.

Simple Gifts – Big Impact

After seeing Julius we headed to Ogwolo Secondary and Kaberpila Primary Schools. The Ogwolo school was founded February of this year, so they only have 117 students. Daniel O. shared the Gospel with them and about 20 kids got saved. Then we gave two English Bibles, one to a boy and one to a girl, who answered what the third book of the New Testament was. Next we gave the headmaster (principal) 10 bibles to put in the library. After that we passed out two balls, one soccer ball and one net ball. I want to say thank you to Jacob and Lydia Cox for donating the balls, because this is a new school and they don’t have many supplies so that gift really meant a lot.

Then we passed out the Arsenal Rome athletic shirts and the kids loved them, so thank you Arsenal Rome for your donation. To understand the impact of these t-shirts…we learned that this school just started this year so they had nothing. They asked for the jerseys and balls because they didn’t have any at all. Without shirts and equipment they were not allowed to represent their school last term in the district school competitions. So it was a HUGE blessing for them to have an opportunity to have jerseys.

African time is Right on Time

Once that was over we were behind schedule, we had DBS at Akisim and we were late. We rushed back to camp, ate lunch as quickly as possible and hopped back in the car for DBS. Akisim was an hour car ride away and we were already late. Once there, we went straight into the Word read the passage once and talked about what we read. Once our bible study was complete we passed out bibles, reading glasses, and clothes. We passed out ten bibles and three reading glasses, so thank you to everyone who gave to that! We also passed out Big Dan’s car wash, and Arsenal Rome donated shirts. So thank you Arsenal Rome, Big Dans Car wash/Isaiah. Once DBS was over we were all so tired.

We drove back to the AEM compound and hung out ’til it was time to eat. As I was gathering sticks for the fire I hear kid’s voices so I went to check it out and there they were…Michael, Bosco, and Josh. We sat down and talked for a good bit then they headed home. They were a great end to my day.

Today I also learned an acronym for bible…

My verse today is 2 Timothy 2:1 and my prayer is over Julius and his family, that God uses this sponsorship that Julius has to show him God’s love for him. Praise told us on the way to get him; that she remembers a time after Saturday program when Julius would come to her crying because he didn’t have the money to go to school. Well now he does, so I want to say thank you to the kind families that sponsored him. ~ Fred

Teacher & Coach thanks AEM, Arsenal Rome and the Cox family for giving so they can play soccer like other schools. Special call to Jacob!

“You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. “

2 Timothy 2:1