Bible Distribution, DBS, Get Involved, Harvesting Hope, Summer Internship

Fred in the Village: Day 22

Day 22: The Rain

Today went by very fast. We woke up to a phone call from John saying he’s been in a car accident and he left his license in our car. So we drove to Otuboi to give him his license and there was a three foot log sticking out of his front grill. He told us he was driving last night and a log went flying off a trailer that was in front of him and hit his car. He said that he hopped out to talk to the driver, but the man hopped out of the car and ran away, so John chased him down and called his brothers to come and help. Once his brothers got there they called the cops, who showed up and chased him down. By the end of the night they even had people in the community try to stop him but he kept on resisting until one officer got a hold of him. Even when they were bringing the guy to the station people were throwing rocks at him. So that was a crazy story to start my day.

Showing the Love of Christ

After dropping off John’s license we went back to the compound to eat breakfast and get ready for the day. Instead of rushing off to different places; today we spent the morning writing budgets. The work of AEM has to be carefully planned, budgeted and approved by the Lead Team. The budgeting work carried us into the afternoon, and it was time to head to DBS at Okude. We carried some special gifts prepared by the women of LIFE Church of Rome to show some very simple love from the body of Christ in the US to the women of Okude in order to bless them and tell them they are loved by the Father.

Vehicle for Kingdom Work

Okude’s DBS is on top of a mountain, so like last time when the team was here we had to stop the car at the bottom and walk up. We are so thankful for the car that was purchased by AEM recently….for 6 years all the work has been on motorcycles and it has been very difficult and unsafe at times. Once we got to the top there were about five people there. But once Daniel O started speaking more and more people showed up and by the end there were about 35 people there. Once we finished the DBS portion we passed out clothes. Once again we want to thank Arsenal Rome for their donations. On the way back home from DBS it started pouring down rain and it hasn’t stopped since. There has only been two nights when I’ve been here that it hasn’t rained.

My verse for today is James 3:17 and my prayer is for that the Saturday program would go great. ~ Fred