Bible Distribution, DBS, Get Involved, Harvesting Hope, Mercy Ministry

Fred in the Village: Day 25 & 26

Day 25: Another Day

We woke up this morning, ate breakfast and headed to the office. We worked diligently making sure we wrote down how many items of clothing & bibles we passed out last week. Then we headed to town to buy our groceries for the week in the village. It turns out that the AEM car needed more repairs so we went to the garage. It took about an hour before the part we needed was found and they added brake fluid. Our car repair delay meant that Daniel would have to take a boda back to the village because we were behind schedule and we had DBS later. So once the car was fixed we got groceries, and headed to the village. We didn’t make it back in time for DBS, but Daniel said it was a great time in the word with only 4 or so people because there was a funeral. My verse of the day is Hebrews 3:1 and my prayer is for my thought’s tomorrow knowing that it is 4th of July and that I won’t get distracted from what God has for me here.

Day 26: 4th of July

Today was Independence Day in America, but for me it was another Monday. We woke up this morning and ate breakfast. Once breakfast was finished we went straight to a funeral meeting (where they set plans and leaders over different things). We sat through that for an hour and a half. Durning the meeting David was falling asleep…I found this quite funny because I’m usually the one who falls asleep. Once the meeting was over we went straight to doing Mercy Ministry. For the first hut we visited we had to walk a good distance, but once we reached the home no one was there. So we walked back. On the way back we saw this fruit on a tree and David and Daniel told me it treats cancer! So we took some seeds and we plan to plant them on the AEM compound later.

The second home we visited was that of Penina. She needs a wheel chair. She’s weak and can’t walk. She also can’t see out of her right eye. She is 70 years old and she hasn’t been able to walk since 60. We were behind schedule so we could only sit and ask her about her needs, then we had to go to the next hut.

The next hut was owned by Mr. David and Mrs. Mary. They are the mother and father to who we came there to see, their son Moses. Moses is 19 years old and severely crippled. He didn’t speak much, with the physical condition he was in that was good that he could even talk. He spends his days lying in bed from sun up to sun down. His parents have to feed him his food, because he can’t feed himself. The thing he really needs is a wheel chair, but I think it will need to be a specialty chair. Moses became disabled when he was 2 years old so I feel like the most important thing we can do is pray for him and his family.

Update: Since the writing of this post, AEM Love has launched a 7 Wheelchairs in 7 Days campaign to raise the $1400 to purchase wheelchairs for seven people that we (our recent June Team) were led to independently. We rejoice that many new followers have come alongside AEM to meet this need. Please keep following as purchase day approaches and we get ready to celebrate the gift of mobility in seven precious lives.


After visiting with Moses and his family we went straight to DBS where there were 30+ people waiting for us. We passed out four bibles to the people that needed them. Once DBS was over we went back to the camp and played volleyball. It was only four people playing so we ended it really quickly. But my favorite part of the day was learning how to make a Rolex, so watch out America I’m bringing Rolexes. I thank God for yesterday because even though it was 4th of July it wasn’t on my mind.

My verse of the day is Proverbs 3:26 and my prayer is over Moses and his family ~ Fred

for the Lord will be at your side
    and will keep your foot from being snared.