Bible Distribution, Child Sponsorship, Harvesting Hope

Fred in the Village: Day 27

What is Fear?

Today was a good day. We woke up, ate breakfast and I got the terrible news Miss Carol passed away. She meant a lot to me and so many other people. She was a role model and someone one you can look at and know how genuine they are. So my day started rough. After breakfast we went to a funeral meeting once more. We were there for two hours today and that included us helping to cut grass. When you cut grass in Uganda it’s with a blade, so you hand cut grass. That is not a golf club, but me with the “slasher” cutting grass. Once we were done we went to visit Simon.

Child Sponsorship gives the Hope of Education

Simon is a 14 year old boy whose dad died and his mom remarried and left him with his grandmother. Here when you remarry, the new spouse doesn’t typically accept children from a previous marriage. Simon lives daily staying home from school and taking care of his grandmother.

The reason why he doesn’t go to school is because he doesn’t have the money for it. We visited Simon when the American team was here and he got born again. Simon was a pretty shy kid at first but now he is filled with joy. We gave him his first Bible and took notes of his needs. The great thing for Simon is someone already said they want to sponsor him. On the way back to the camp we saw the plant that treats cancer (you can see it in the top photo above). So we pulled it up by the roots and planted it on the AEM compound. Jabeth said my job ’til I leave is to water it in the morning and evening.  

Once back at camp we washed clothes, played volley ball, and relaxed for the rest of the day. I also had time to think about my time while I’ve been here and the things I’ve learned. Time is running out and I haven’t missed home as much as I thought I would. After tomorrow there will only be two weeks left in my adventures. My verse of the day is Proverbs 8:13. I picked this verse because I’ve always questioned why people say “I fear God”… how can you fear your father? But David brought me across this verse. My prayer is over the next couple of days left. There is still so much we want to do while I am here so I pray that God gives us the ability to finish those things. ~ Fred

To fear the Lord is to hate evil;
    I hate pride and arrogance,
    evil behavior and perverse speech.