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Child Sponsorship

The purpose of Child Sponsorship is to shift the trajectory of a child’s life through discipleship and education. Each child in the sponsorship program is taught the Word of God and is on a path to become a disciple of Jesus. They are also given the opportunity to receive an education so that they are equipped to provide for themselves and their families. 

For accountability in the Child Sponsorship program each child has to attend every Saturday Program for weekly check ins with our AEM team. Our in Country Director visits each child’s school to build relationships with both the students and teachers while also monitoring their academic success.  During the holidays after each term our staff hosts the sponsored children at the AEM Outreach Center.  This time together is like VBS camp where their lives are enriched by bible study, games, crafts and worship in song.  Over the last few years we have seen tremendous growth in the confidence and social emotional development of our sponsored children.

Kids 4 Kids

AEM’s Kids 4 Kids project, sets children and their families up to have a source of income that will grow and allow them to provide for future needs. Kids 4 Kids is a self-sustaining project because each goat’s first litter is given back to AEM so that other needy children can have the opportunity to receive a goat. The goal is for the child to raise and care for the goat so that it will have multiple litters so that they can eventually sell the goats for a cow. The cow’s milk can be used for nutrition or a source of income to help support the families.

For $45 you can be a part of planting love in multiple children’s lives by giving just one goat.


AEM gives the opportunity for individuals to participate in a mission trip to Uganda each summer. The goal of these mission trips are for believers to have the opportunity to plant love in Uganda through sharing the Gospel. Mission trips are a great opportunity to practice fully putting one’s trust in Jesus. It also shows what heaven will look like with believers from all tribes, tongues, and nations worshiping the Lord. Individuals who are interested must fill out an application and be accepted onto the team. Once this happens, individuals are given the information and tools to prepare them for the upcoming trip. After months of preparation through meetings, prayers, and fundraisers, the team is ready to take off! Once in Uganda, the team is fully immersed in the village culture for two weeks. During this time the team participates in Mercy Ministry, door to door evangelism, Saturday Program, DBS, and so much more. The U.S. team will be working hand in hand with the in-country AEM team. This gives them the opportunity to truly see what ministry in Uganda is like. Additionally a mission trip to Uganda uniquely stretches and grows believers to truly experience the Gospel.