
Become a Prayer Partner

More than anything, lives are changed when we pray.  Our teams both in the US and Uganda depend on the Lord personally and collectively.  We prayerfully consider each step we take in fulfilling the vision God has given us to plant the love of Jesus Christ and harvest eternal hope as lives are changed by the Gospel.  Through the sacrifice of your time in prayer we will see the Lord provide for and guide the lives of the precious people He places in our path.  Become a prayer partner and receive quarterly detailed updates on the work on the ground and the daily challenges faced by the team.

Become a Seed Planter

When you choose to partner with AEM Love on a monthly basis with a gift of any amount, you are sowing seeds of hope through the many activities of the ministry.  From delivering bibles and monthly medicine & nutrition, to traveling an hour each way to distant villages in order to lead a DBS, our team can’t complete their mission without the fuel and maintenance for our vehicle.  The harsh environment of the dirt roads in Uganda takes a toll on any form of transportation and we are constantly facing unexpected repair costs. Monthly seed planters are essential to our ability to carry out the overall vision of demonstrating the love of Jesus to the hurting and vulnerable and building relationships in order to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ with everyone. Having partners who sow seeds of love means our team can be Spirit led when we encounter emergency medical needs, unexpected illness, and begin to lift our eyes to the future and take steps to grow food for those in need and be more self-sustainable.