David Emiru

My name is David A. Emiru and I am a social worker by profession. I started working with AEM in June 2022 when the AEM US team visited the current project area in Uganda. At the moment I am involved in discipling children, distributing food items to the medical and elderly beneficiaries, teaching music lessons to AEM sponsored children during children’s camp, translating English in the local language when needed, report writing, and mercy ministry.

I am very motivated and encouraged to work with AEM because of the following reasons. AEM is involved in evangelism which is my calling i.e. reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. I love working with children. AEM has given me an opportunity to fulfill my desire in discipling children and to see to it that children live their life and life in its fullness. AEM has also given me an opportunity to practice my profession as a social worker i.e. being concerned with meeting the basic needs of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole so as to enhance individual and collective wellbeing.