Bible Distribution, DBS

The WORD is alive and active ~ Hebrews 4:12

December 21-23rd, 2022.  Our team travelled to the villages by motorcycle like they do every week for Discovery Bible Study (DBS).  This week was unique because it led into the beginning of Christmas holidays. We had decided that the ministry team would observe the holidays with their families beginning Dec. 23rd.  But God, had other plans.  How do we respond when God interrupts our plans with what could be seen as an inconvenience?   As we held our weekly Zoom meeting the Friday morning before, our hearts were ablaze with anticipation because a new gentlemen had visited one of our DBS groups for a 2nd time.  On this day, just like on his first vist, he pleaded with our team to come further away from town an additional 20-30 min ride to his village and share the Word of God.  Our leader asked him what day of the week would his villagers be assembled for them to come and share.  He said Friday is best.  We paused as we realized that was their first day of vacation.  I asked, ” What do you want to do?”  Daniel replied, “we must go.”  We believed in our hearts that God was at work and we would see soon enough why He wanted them to go right before Christmas.

“Just as we were about to close, we made an alter call and Francis boldly stood up and said, ‘Here I am and I can’t wait any longer.  I need Christ in my life. We celebrated together and led him to Christ as others witnessed his bold decision. It is the first time in Akisim that someone surrenderd to Christ Jesus.” – Daniel Okwara,  AEM Uganda Country Director

Here is the new place that we had our last Bible study for this year.

It was amazing.  When we arrived on Friday, December 23rd there were 23 women and 22 men in attendance. Our Christmas gift, was the greatest gift of all…one gentleman gave his life to Christ.  On days like this we are reminded that what sometimes seems like an interruption, is usually where we have an opportunity to join God in what He alone can do. These divine appointments and our obedience to make ourselves available lead to the greatest blessings.  As we step out, we just might find that we CAN go and make disciples here in the US just like this team in Uganda.  As I share these reports from the field,  I glorify God for this movement that is simply happening by word spreading from one village to another that there are bible studies, where people are able to open the Bible together and let the Holy Spirit be the teacher as they discuss the scriptures together.  We give God all the glory for these salvations and pray for Him to expand our territory and provide the resources for us to start new DBS groups and train new leaders in each one.  2023 is going to be exciting!