What We Do

Discovery Bible Study (DBS)

One of the most exciting areas where God is doing some beautiful things through the ministry of AEM is in our weekly Bible studies in the village. These villagers have very little resources to be able to study God‘s word. They have no access to Bible lessons, daily devotionals, biblical commentaries, and many don’t even have their own Bible. As we saw the need for the word of God in these remote areas, we began with a local weekly Bible study. 

The plan was very simple – anyone who had a Bible was to bring it, and we would follow the format of discovery Bible study and focus on a specific set of scriptures each week.  We would read a passage aloud, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide the discussion of what was read and how God was speaking to each person through the Scriptures.  Then we would discuss how to apply it to their lives. What God began to do in those simple Bible studies was amazing. People were gaining an understanding of who God is and what His word truly says, and the Holy Spirit worked on the hearts and minds of the villagers in that area. Relationships were restored that have been broken for many years and even decades. People began confessing sins to one another as the Holy Spirit led each of those discussions. People were being set free from lies and chains that had bound them their entire lives. And word got out. 

Other villages were hearing what was happening and coming to our directors in Uganda, pleading for them to come to their village and start a Bible study for their people. God has slowly grown each of these study groups in five villages. Through the Holy Spirit moving in these Bible studies people are becoming Christ followers, lives are being restored, eyes are being opened, and disciples are being made. Leaders are being identified in each of the Bible studies, and they are learning how to lead their own village, so that AEM can move his efforts and resources to the next awaiting people. We see this as the foundation of what God’s will is for the ministry. I don’t think it is coincidental that the area where we see the most growth and excitement happens to be the last command that Jesus gave us before he ascended. We are so excited to be a part of how God is moving in the remote northern villages of Uganda and would be so humbled if you would join us as a monthly partner in this work.

Saturday Program

The Saturday Program provides weekly discipleship time for 40-60 children in the village. Our team members are intentional about this time of discipleship with the village children. Every week the children have fellowship, worship together, and are taught scripture. In addition to discipleship, these children receive a meal. Sometimes this is the only meal that a child will get that day.

Our children’s ministry team encourages the children in their school work, often tutoring and supplementing their education for success. The songs they learn and skits they perform allow for creativity, build confidence, and increase social skills in the students. The Saturday Program enriches the lives of all who participate.

Child Sponsorship

The purpose of Child Sponsorship is to shift the trajectory of a child’s life through discipleship and education. Each child in the sponsorship program is taught the Word of God and all are on a path to become disciples of Jesus. They are also given the opportunity to receive an education so that they are equipped to provide for themselves and their families.

To keep accountability for the Child Sponsorship program each child has to attend every Saturday Program for weekly check ins with our AEM team. Our in Country Director visits each child’s school to build relationships with the students and teachers and monitor their academic success. During the holidays after each term our staff hosts the sponsored children at the AEM Outreach Center. This time together is like VBS camp where their lives are enriched by bible study, games, crafts and worship in song. Over the last few years we have seen tremendous growth in the confidence and social emotional development of our sponsored children.

Non Boarded Students- $40/month
Boarded Students- $60/month

Mercy Ministry

Mercy Ministry projects and initiatives were the first way that AEM ministered to the most vulnerable people of Uganda back in 2015. Both then and now the foundation of planting love continues as our team meets people and prayerfully takes action after learning about hardships and seemingly impossible situations. The response was and is compassion and mercy in response to Matthew 25:40 and James 1:27.

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Mercy Ministry is loving others in action. AEM has constructed huts for those without shelter, provided food during a famine, advocated for nutrition sponsors to save lives in medical crisis, provided clothing, medical treatment and plowed gardens for widows. This love often includes clearing the compound, washing clothes, and providing emergency food for an elderly widow. Giving to a Mercy Ministry project has maximum impact in the shortest amount of time as a crisis is averted and faith is restored in the Lord who provides.