Mercy Ministry

You can make ALL the difference (Update of Francis)

It was less than a year ago, when US Director Mandi Johnson and AEM Intern Brooke McDonald, returned from Uganda and began to share the need for Francis (on the left in the video) to have life-saving surgery on his infected leg. Because of friends on fb who answered the call and gave to fund his medical care…Francis is doing well and running around again like a healthy boy should. His friends, the other AEM sponsored kids and all those who come to the AEM Kids Saturday program…they haven’t forgotten. They missed him for months when he couldn’t walk to meet with them…and now he never misses. We are thankful for every partner of AEM and how God uses us all to make a difference. Will you join us with a monthly gift of any amount? There are many more like Francis, who are vulnerable because of lack of basic medical care and the inability to go to school where injuries are observed. AEM is stands ready to meet the needs as God provides through the body of Christ.